Stop met doemdenken. Overvloedsdenken helpt wel


We leven in een wereld waarin ons denken voortdurend wordt gestuurd naar denken in schaarste. In tekorten en schaven aan de kosten voor meer efficiency, en ‘ik een beetje meer dan jij’. Waarin er maar één kan winnen.

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Innovation lies beyond the Business Model Canvas (BMC)

Two-thirds of all companies say new business models are their top priority, according to the 2015 issue of Strategy Trends Research by Berenschot. On the one hand that’s great news. In recent years, smart new business models have indeed disrupted quite a few industries, although the likes of Facebook, AirBnB and Uber are mentioned maybe a little bit too often.

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Albert Einstein: "Verbeelding is krachtiger dan kennis. Verbeelding omvat de wereld."

Albert Einstein:
“Verbeelding is krachtiger dan kennis.
Verbeelding omvat de wereld.”

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Break away from the competition with scenario transformation

These uncertain times and changing market dynamics require balanced and wise business development. Organizations need to be building a portfolio of projects that combines both product development (incremental change) and innovation projects (leap change) in a vibrant ecosystem of reinforcing growth. That covers both the big and small-but-promising opportunities, and exploits both the strengths and the weaknesses of an organisation!

How does one build such a healthy portfolio?

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Maak het verschil!

Elke ondernemer wil dat zijn product en dienst zich onderscheidt van de concurrentie. Dat maakt het verkopen makkelijker. En als dat goed is gedaan verkoopt het zichzelf: een ‘remarkable product’. Bovendien geeft dit u ook meer voldoening.

Hoe doe je dat?

Berenschot heeft voor haar ‘Strategy Trends’-onderzoek aan ondernemers gevraagd naar hun plannen om hun product te onderscheiden. En de uitkomst is verontrustend.

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Scenario thinking – only for the wise and brave?

In the thought provoking article ‘The end of the university as we know it‘, author Nathan Harden paints a scenario picture of the future of universities in the USA, that could be real within 50 years. And it is a landslide! “Half of the roughly 4,500 colleges and universities now operating in the United States will have ceased to exist… Access to college-level education will be free for everyone; the residential college campus will become largely obsolete; tens of thousands of professors will lose their job; the bachelor’s degree will become increasingly irrelevant; and ten years from now Harvard will enroll ten million students.

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Sustainability is business continuity

How many ‘globes’, as measured in your ‘ecological footprint’, does your way of consumption and housekeeping require? A quick check will probably shock you: it is very hard and challenging to get your number below 1. And only then our lifestyle can be labelled ‘sustainable’ or feasible for a long-term period. Is this actually a role and responsibility of consumers, by making other choices. Or for producers? Or for the government by setting better boundaries to our economy? Asking the question is answering it: obviously for all three.

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